Friday 1 June 2007

At Last........Some Knitting!!!!

I have eventually 'Badgered' Mum into posting pictures of the finished and blocked Forest Canopy Shawl, only a few weeks late!

The almost complete view.

A bit of detail.

The edging detail.

Here it is being modelled by my girl Tiddlypeep!

Mum was also persuaded to post these pictures of her Feather and Fan scarf. Which isn't really as it should be! The fourth row of the pattern should be a knit row to give a ridge on the right side but Mum did a purl row instead. It still looks ok though.

Another picture of the detail. Mum says she likes the way it worked out with more solid bands of colour at the edges and a more variegated look in the centre panel. I think this was more luck than judgement.

Another modelled shot. It's going to cost me a fortune in modelling fees. At the moment I'm keeping quiet and hoping she doesn't twig on that models don't work for nothing.

That's two presents completed unless Mum decides to keep them!

1 comment:

Knittingknutty said...

What pretty work. I have not ventured into lace work yet maybe after socks, I have changed my blog address to I was doing one for my mom and dad and then one for my knits, so I decided to combine them both. It got to be to hard to keep up with them both.And if the truth be known I talk about my kids more than my knits anyway.